9 05 2008




Tampa Bay Buccs!

       Yesterday was Buck day! Or that’s what we(Pastor Brian and I) call it. We made up this “ritual” to hopefully get our team to win this year. What it is, is we dress up in our Tampa Bay gear and cheer them on all day. It was just a one time thing yesterday, but I think that can be arranged. It is for Tampa fans, of course. It wouldn’t make any sence if we had a Bronco fan within our mists. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like the Broncos but I have to stay true to my heart and be the tampa fan that I am. Even though, I was born here, it doesn’t matter. It’s where the heart is that counts. If you would like to join our Buck day, we’d love to have this fantastic thing spread, but like I said, only Buck fans. And if not, then leave.



One response

23 05 2008

Angie. fellow bandmate.
blogroll me.
i’m gonna go blogroll you 🙂
love you.

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